Professor William Dyer’s Martin’s Month Monstrous Manic Mentis Manifest of Madness

It has become the case that my co-hosts on A Night at the Opera – Britt and Erickh – wanted to go through yet another of Dennis Collazzo’s quizzes from Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule. But unfortunately the man has not posted in over a year, so as I wish him well, I ended up taking charge to create my own quiz in his fashion (under the cheeky name of “Orson Welles and the Safety Car”) for us to play around with on our latest episode.

And on the off-chance that anybody else has interest, to play along at home and provide their own answers on their blog, social media, or the comments here. This is in fact the second such quiz I created after doing one for the purpose of a panel in this year’s Phoenix Fan Fusion. Unfortunately, I don’t think our answers have been recorded for that event, but expect to see those questions shortly as an upcoming post for y’all to play around with. In the meantime, behold the quiz and also feel free to listen in on the episode where Britt, Erickh, and myself go through our answers for these questions (the segment begins at 1:12:28).

  1. What is the last movie you saw in a theater so far?
  2. Third favorite William Friedkin film.
  3. What is a movie you think is anti-establishment in the wrong way?
  4. Susan Sarandon or Jessica Harper.
  5. Vulgar Auterism – yes or no?
  6. Favorite Ernst Lubitsch.
  7. Since it’s been 22 years, what do you find to be the most monumental change in mainstream American storytelling since 9/11?
  8. Baby Driver had “Brighton Rock”, what is your Killer Track?
  9. Second favorite Looney Tunes character.
  10. Biggest moment of contempt for the audience in a movie?
  11. Would you sooner roller-skate with Gene Kelly or skateboard with Fred Astaire?
  12. Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, and Michael Fassbender get in a car race. Who wins?
  13. Favorite Looney Tunes That Is Not “Duck Amuck”, the “Hunting” trilogy, “What’s Opera, Doc?”, or “Duck Dodgers”?
  14. Least Favorite Slasher Film.
  15. Name a fictional movie you’d like to see.
  16. Platinum Dunes or Dark Castle?
  17. FMK: Bob Clampett, Friz Freleng, Frank Tashlin.
  18. You have a blank check to take a trip to the shooting locations of only one film of your choosing. Which film is it?
  19. Favorite instance of location shooting?
  20. Joel Hodgson or Mike Anderson?
  21. Second favorite non-Schlesinger Tex Avery work?
  22. Barbenheimer – yes or no?
  23. Favorite song written for a non-musical film?
  24. Favorite Disney-era Star Wars work.
  25. What’s a movie you love that is incredibly tough to recommend?
  26. What movies would make your top three of 2023 so far?
  27. What is the snobbiest movie take you have in your arsenal?

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